Friday, January 25, 2013

Facebook stops Twitter users contacting friends with new Vine app

Less than a day after the launch of Vine Twitter, Facebook cut off the video sharing application on "find people" button, which allows members to connect to their Facebook friends.

Twitter users want to use the feature to be greeted with an error message saying that Vine is authorized to make the Facebook application.

Twitter and Facebook so far made ​​no comment on the development, the latest in a series of hostilities between the microblogging site and all the social networking giant.

At the end of last year Instagram, Facebook-owned photo sharing app, disabled the feature which allowed Twitter to display correctly on photos, in a sign of growing tension between the two platforms.

This meant that Twitter users were forced to click through to the site Instagram photos if they wanted to see in their entirety.

Instagram used to work closely with Twitter but the relationship deteriorated after Facebook bought the app in $ 1bn deal last April.

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